TCM Treatment

North Brisbane Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on coherent and substantial body of knowledge developed over thousands of years of clinical practice and intellectual endeavour. Clinical and laboratory research adds to this traditional knowledge. Qualified practitioners draw on these traditional and modern sources to arrive at individually tailored treatments.

This system of health care, in which treatments are tailored to your individual health condition, developed from the philosophy that restoring balance and normal functioning will both treat ailments and prevent other illnesses from developing.

The TCM health care system covers a range of therapeutic interventions, including:


Acupuncture is an Ancient Technique involving the insertion of needles into the body.

The needle themselves can be stainless steel, silver or gold, all needles are sterilised and in most cases only disposable needles are used. Acupuncture is capable of treating a wide range of illnesses, including muscular complaints.

The Theory of Acupuncture involve a system of channels in the body called Jingluo, often translated as Meridians. These Meridians are routs through which energy circulates through the body. If there is a blockage in the Jingluo, the inability of energy to move freely causes symptoms of illness in mind and or body. Acupuncture needles are inserted at certain points ( Xuewei ) where the needles can stimulate the energy flow in the meridians (Jingluo). Acupuncture has been used successfully as an anaesthetic.


Chinese Herbal Medicine

Modern trails of Chinese Herbal Formulas have found them to be effective in treating a myriad of health concerns. Over the last few years’ favourable scientific reports in the U.K. Medical Journal Lancet confirm the effectiveness of Chinese Herbal Formulas in their uses as a medicine. Scientists are only now discovering that the Ancient Method of Herbal Formals are very refined and can have a profound effect on the Homeostasis of the Body.

Great interest in Chinese Herbal Medicine has resulted in a large amount of scientific evidence that proves their effectiveness in maintaining health.

These Herbs need to be prescribed specifically for the individuals needs by a qualified Practitioner.

Old Traditional Formulas are now available in a modern form of delivery.


Cupping is an Ancient Therapy in which a cup is applied to the skin and the pressure induced either by heat or by suction in order to draw and hold the skin and superficial muscles inside the cups. It has been used by many different cultures over the years to help in the reduction of pain and restriction of movement, bronchial congestion, deep tissue massage, reduce large bruising, relaxation and wellbeing.

The Therapy of cupping dates back to 1550BC. A vacuum is created inside the cups, which causes the skin to rise and redden as blood vessels expand. The number of cups used in a treatment is determined by your therapist.


Ear Candling

Ear Candling is a Thermal – Auricular Therapy that has become popular for clearing wax from the ear canal and to relieve pressure from behind the ear drum, and in some cases patients reported it has helped to relieve their earaches and sinus pressure. This is a procedure that should be performed by a qualified practitioner to avoid wax deposits in the ear or burns to the face from hot wax.

Exercise Qi Gong

A Chinese Health Practise that is based on gentle movements, meditation and breathing, that calms the mind and spirit, improves circulation and general wellbeing.

Qi Gong can improve the quality of sleep this is done through breath control and it creates a clear tranquil mind. It is also a form of moving meditation. Proper abdominal breathing may improve digestion. Qi Gong is a form of gentle exercises and is composed of movements that are performed slowly with mindfulness, this form of exercise strengthens and stretches the body and increases fluid movement via the Lymphatic system.


Food Therapy

Nutrition Therapy is centred on the concept of eating in moderation eating warm cooked foods eating foods that are in season. There are foods that are appropriate for each individual, depending on health needs, such as if one has a cold condition it is best to eat warming foods however these same warming foods will not benefit one with a hot condition. Over consumption of raw foods tend to be cold in nature and drain the spleen energetic organ system.  The teachings of Chinese food Therapy survived by being passed down through families and by Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners with a solid understanding of food therapy which uses an awareness of how different foods affect the way our organs interact with our internal energy flows, our minds and emotions. What you eat flows into every part of your life.

5 Tastes:

  1. SWEET – acts on Spleen / Stomach
  2. SOUR – acts on Liver / Gallbladder
  3. BITTER – acts on Heart / Small Intestine
  4. SALTY   – acts on Kidney / Bladder
  5. PUNGENT – acts on Lung / Large Intestine


“Eat in moderation. Eat food prepared appropriately for the self and the season and enjoy a long and healthy life “- Confucius.


The herb used for moxa therapy is Artemisia Vulgaris also called Mugwort and one of its active components, Borneol, which is isolated and commonly used in topical therapies for its antiseptic and analgesic qualities. Mugwort when dried is known as moxa, and this material gives out a steady heat when burned. It is the heat which is used, often in conjunction with acupuncture. The combination is called ZHENJIU.

Moxibustion – involves using heat on the skin or area that is to be treated, moxa can be used to treat a large area of the body. The heat administered during the treatment is the key element in dealing with cold and stagnation. Moxa therapy can be relaxing and calming. 



Scraping is called Gua Sha which means Scraping. This is a therapy where the skin is scrapped to produce light bruising to stimulate blood flow and promote healing. Often a balm or oil is used as a lubricant the Gua Sha tool is rubbed repeatedly and firmly in a linear pattern until blood appears under the skin producing marks on the skin that last a few days.

Gua Sha tools are made from Jade, Obsidian, Red Agate, Bian stone, and stainless steel.

TCM Remedial Massage (including Acupressure and Reflexology)

Massage as a part of Chinese Medicine dates back 4,000 years. The basic purpose of massage is to restore free movement to blood and Qi. It can be a form of deep tissue therapy that stimulates blood flow, promoting healing, easing emotional stress, increasing flexibility in the joints and improving posture, improving athletic performance and relieving pain.

Acupressure applies the same principles as Acupuncture treating acupuncture points along meridians in the body but using pressure on the points. Pressure can be applied by using fingers or palms and in some cases a gemstone tool is used.

Reflexology applies pressure to reflex zones of the feet, hands or outer ears. These reflex zones are based on acupuncture meridians or channels. Foot Massages are a very relaxing therapy and calm the mind. Oh so nice.
